Bad Girls Club is a reality TV show based on the premise of who is
the baddest girl. A set of 5 to 6 females are put into a lavish mansion
w/ no television and basically forced to interact w/ each
other despite the various different backgrounds they come from.
Basically mimicking many 'for the love' shows that have come before,
minus the love which is a recipe for DRAMA. These females do and say
terrible things to each other all to prove who is the baddest girl.
Although at times it can be very entertaining to some, it can also be
idiotic and disturbing to others. The underlining moral of the show is
to teach the ladies how to control their anger and not lash out with
physical violence. But verbal, emotional, mental violence it fair game. So what are
these women really learning?? All violence toward each other is wrong,
and when the producers set up conflict breeding situations, it no longer
becomes anger management show, it does become just another TV program glorifying anger and violence towards each other. I guess that's why it's 'The Bad Girls Club'
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